You said: It’s not easy to understand the different types of transport that families can access, and who they are for; and the pick up/drop off expectations when transport is agreed is confusing.
We did: We worked with PACA MK and SENDIAS to write a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document that clearly explains transport types, who can access them and information about pick up/drop off. This was published in the holidays.
You said: PACA MK have raised concerns about communication between the transport team and families about transport processes, payments and other relevant information.
We did: We’ve organised a ‘task and finish group’ with PACA to discuss current barriers and suggest how we can improve communication between families and the transport team / providers. The first meeting was held in June 2024 and a follow up meeting will take place in September 2024. Regular information and updates have been included in the Local Offer Newsletter in 2023 – 2024 academic year.
You said: You told Inspectors via the survey about your experiences of SEND in Milton Keynes.
We did: We are making plans to improve services in line with your feedback.
You said: You told us it is difficult to understand all the services available to support neurodiverse children and young people.
We did: PACA MK were commissioned to develop a guidebook written for parents by parents, which is available online or a paper copy can be requested.
You said: Transition pathways for children with SEND moving into adult services are not clear.
We are: We are coproducing a guide that explains the key steps and contacts.
You said: You wanted more activities for children and young people with EHCPs in the school holidays.
We did: We have arranged free activities over the summer holidays for children and young people with EHCPs
You said: Information on the SEND Strategy action plans
We did: Public versions of the SEND strategy action plan were made available and shared on the Local Offer
You said: Additional school places for children with ASC and more complex needs
We did: These are being progressed and are currently projected to be delivered for September 2024.
You said: Parents said they wanted more support for emotional wellbeing including children and young people with autism.
We did: We have summarised the support available in Milton Keynes so that children and young people can access emotional wellbeing support appropriate to their needs. How you feel matters in Milton Keynes | Milton Keynes City Council (
You said: You told us there is an inconsistent offer for children and young people with SEND in Milton Keynes.
We are: Coproducing a document that outlines Ordinarily Available Provision, which will support schools and settings to identify and meet needs. This tool will be available in the autumn term.