Launch Recite Me assistive technology

Accessibility Tool

You said we did

Please let us know if you have any feedback for the SEND team, you can share your feedback with us by emailing:

You said, we did 2024

You said: It’s not easy to understand the different types of transport that families can access, and who they are for; and the pick up/drop off expectations when transport is agreed is confusing.

We did: We worked with PACA MK and SENDIAS to write a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document that clearly explains transport types, who can access them and information about pick up/drop off. This was published in the holidays.

You said: PACA MK have raised concerns about communication between the transport team and families about transport processes, payments and other relevant information.

We did: We’ve organised a ‘task and finish group’ with PACA to discuss current barriers and suggest how we can improve communication between families and the transport team / providers. The first meeting was held in June 2024 and a follow up meeting will take place in September 2024. Regular information and updates have been included in the Local Offer Newsletter in 2023 – 2024 academic year.

You said: You told Inspectors via the survey about your experiences of SEND in Milton Keynes. 

We did: We are making plans to improve services in line with your feedback. 

You said: You told us it is difficult to understand all the services available to support neurodiverse children and young people. 

We did: PACA MK were commissioned to develop a guidebook written for parents by parents, which is available online or a paper copy can be requested. 

You said: Transition pathways for children with SEND moving into adult services are not clear. 

We are: We are coproducing a guide that explains the key steps and contacts.

You said: You wanted more activities for children and young people with EHCPs in the school holidays.

We did: We have arranged free activities over the summer holidays for children and young people with EHCPs

You said: Information on the SEND Strategy action plans 

We did: Public versions of the SEND strategy action plan were made available and shared on the Local Offer 

You said: Additional school places for children with ASC and more complex needs 

We did: These are being progressed and are currently projected to be delivered for September 2024.

You said: Parents said they wanted more support for emotional wellbeing including children and young people with autism.

We did: We have summarised the support available in Milton Keynes so that children and young people can access emotional wellbeing support appropriate to their needs. How you feel matters in Milton Keynes | Milton Keynes City Council (

You said: You told us there is an inconsistent offer for children and young people with SEND in Milton Keynes. 

We are: Coproducing a document that outlines Ordinarily Available Provision, which will support schools and settings to identify and meet needs. This tool will be available in the autumn term. 



You said, we did 2023

October 2023

You said:

You wanted additional specialist school places for SEMH, Communication, and complex autism needs from September 2023

We did:

Additional places have been created from September 2023 at Romans Field School (SEMH), Stephenson Academy (SEMH), St Pauls Catholic School (Communication), The Walnuts School (Complex Autism). 

You said:

In the BeeWell emotional well being survey, young people wanted support for LGBTQ+ issues and a place to meet.

We did:

MKCC has funded YIS Q Hub drop-in support

You said:

Parents asked for information on the ADHD assessment and medication pathway.

We did:

We have added information to the SEND Local Offer.

You said:

Parents of children and young people with SEND report that clarity around the assessment and review process for EHCPs needs to made clearer. 

We did:

New guidelines have been co-produced and are available online for all to access on the SEND Local Offer.

You said:

Clarity regarding commissioning of Education Other Than At School (EOTAS). 

We did: 

We have published a policy that is available on the SEND Local Offer. 

You Said: 

Parents of young people with complex medical needs wanted someone to coordinate care and medical provision when their young person left special school provision.

We did:

A transitions Nurse post was created in the Complex Needs Nursing Team to provide this support

You said:

It’s difficult to find information on services and support as it’s not all in one place

We did:

An Autism directory of services has been co-produced to bring information together and makes for easy reference


Feedback from parents and carers:

You said

Parents asked for a calendar of SEND specific events that are happening in Milton Keynes, so that all the information is in a central place.

We did

When we built our microsite for the SEND Local Offer, we included a calendar of events at the bottom of our homepage. Parents have shared that they have found this a supportive tool.

You said

More LGBTQ+ support for young people

We did

We have commissioned YIS to work in collaboration with Q: alliance to provide weekly drop-ins during term time only and this was posted on the LO and is in the Mental Health Hub of the LO

You said

Better communication from CAMHS re waiting times.

We did

Information went out to families who are on the waiting list over the summer period and this information has also been put in the Mental Health Hub on the Local Offer.

You said: "The Local Offer is very difficult to navigate. I cannot find anything suitable for my child, who is 14 years old and severe end of autism."

We did: We discussed the navigation of the Local Offer in our Local Offer working groups. A new website went live went Milton Keynes Council migrated to a new website. This gave the team the opportunity to restructure the site and ensure that the majority of information could be found within three clicks. We have since moved to a Local Offer hub site where new headings where agreed in the Local Offer working group following feedback. We hope this makes the site easier to navigate. We have added a new 'autism' page and a 'leisure and things to do' page.

You said: "I was not able to find anything for sports and leisure activities, listed on SEND Local Offer."

We did: We now have a 'leisure and things to do' page, as well as a 'your free time' page for young people on our Local Offer. We are also sharing sports and leisure activities on our Facebook page regularly. 

You said: More information about post 16 options for young people

We did: We have updated all of our post 16 information on the Local Offer. We also hosted a Post 16 provision workshop at the 2023 SEND Information Day.


Feedback from young people:

You said: "Mental health having it’s own heading"

We did: The Local Offer team have created a mental health and wellbeing page and have been working closely with health professionals to have relevant and useful information available. The Local Offer team got feedback from young people at a focus group to find out what sort of mental health and wellbeing information they would feel is useful.

You said: "Images alongside the headings would make the pages better"

We did: Ensured all pages were created as 'tiles' in order to have images alongside each heading. Previously there were only images on the home page.


Feedback from professionals:

You said: "The Local Offer is much easier to use and navigate now that its had its revamp. There is lots of good stuff on there and its easier to find."

You said, we did 2022

Feedback from parents and carers

You said: You wanted to learn more about the sensory needs your child or young person may have.

We did: We coproduced a range of information, videos and resources to help you with this, which can be found here.

You said: "We do not know about local offer."

We did: The SEND Local Offer team have created and shared promotional material for the Local Offer website which has been sent to local schools and libraries. The Local Offer team have been attending events such as the SEND information day and SEND parent and carer drop ins to try and share the Local Offer, what it is and the support available. We are sharing updates about the Local Offer both in our SEND Newsletter and our Facebook.

You said: Parents of children experiencing EBSA felt alone in their situation and didn’t know where to go for support.

We did: We have developed two EBSA guidance documents for schools, which may be of use to parents whilst the parent guidance is currently being developed. We know how an EBSA webpage on the Educational Pyschologist pages, and offer EBSA parent/carer workshops throughout the year


Feedback from young people

You said: We don't use Facebook, another social media platform would be better for us to use

We did: We spoke to a focus group of young people with SEND who provided valuable feedback, from there an Instagram page was created for Milton Keynes Local Offer. The plan for the Instagram page will be to coproduce this with young people and continue gathering their thoughts and feedback.


Feedback from professionals

You said: It would be useful to have information about the process of transitioning between children to adults social care.

We did: We worked with social care colleagues to produce information about the transition process between children to adults social care.

You said: Teachers and SENCos have little involvement with Educational Psychologyst s.

We did: We created our Psychological Consultation Service, which is a conversation between a psychologist and teacher/SENCo who both bring their expertise equally.  It involves joint exploration of a question, concern or issue using psychological frameworks, to open up the possibilities and options for change.


Feedback Form