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Your rights under data protection and accessing your information

What are data protection laws?

Under data protection laws, you have the following rights:

  • Right of access (to receive a copy of your personal data)
  • Right to rectification (to request that inaccurate data is corrected)
  • Right to request erasure (that data is deleted)
  • Right to restrict processing (to request we don’t use your data in a certain way)
  • Right to data portability (in some cases, you can ask to receive a copy of your data in a commonly-used electronic format so that it can be given to someone else)
  • Right to object (generally to make a complaint about any aspect of our use of your data)
  • Right to have explained if there will be any automated decision-making, including profiling, based on your data and for the logic behind this to be explained to you
  • Your Right to be Informed about what information we hold about you - for more information please see our corporate privacy notice
  • Your Right to access a copy of your personal data

Under data protection regulations you (or someone acting on your behalf) also have the right to see most records processed by or on behalf of the council containing personal information about you.

How to see your records

You can apply for access to your records using our online service

The Council will then have one calendar month in which to provide the information as long as you (or the person acting on your behalf) have supplied sufficient details.

Your other rights vary depending on why we are processing your data. If we are processing based on consent you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, however this might mean we are unable to continue to provide a service to you. The below table outlines your rights based on our legal basis for processing your personal information.   X = you do not have the right for this.


Right to


Right to


Right to


Consent     X
Contract     X
Legal Obligation X X X
Vital Interests   X X
Public task X X  
Legitimate interests   X  

Amending or deleting Information and complaints

If you wish to ask for your information to be amended / deleted, or if you wish to complain about the way your personal data has been handled, please use

More information on data protection regulations

For more information on data protection regulations visit the Information Commissioner's website or email

Data Protection

Data Protection contact information

Postal address only, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

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