Our aim for supporting young people and their family/carers to prepare for adulthood
Our aim at Milton Keynes City Council is to provide a positive experience of preparing for adulthood (sometimes referred to as transition into adulthood) for all young people with special educational needs and disabilities, through a ‘person centred’ approach that prepares young people effectively for adult life.
- Services provided for young people (under 17) with long-term health conditions are administered by child health and social care services.
- After this (18+), they're usually provided by adult services.
From the age of 16 up to 18, there will begin a "transition" to adult services, which can happen at different times for individuals.
Asking for an assessment
Not everyone is eligible for adult social care but anyone (a young person or their parent, guardian and/or carer) can request an Adult Social Care needs assessment.
If the young person is already receiving support from Children's Services a referral should be made on their behalf by their allocated worker, if this is considered necessary. Any existing support will continue until agreed adult care and support is in place but it is important that the referral is made to Adult Social Care as soon as possible to avoid delays in agreeing how best to meet support needs for a young person BEFORE they reach their 18th Birthday. It is really important to establish whether a young person is likely to be eligible for adult social care, then alternative arrangements and or signposting to universally available support can happen in a timely way.
Anyone can make a referral to the “Preparing for Adulthood” Team, ideally it would be the professional who is already working with the young person but the young person themselves, their family/carers can make a referral online - Transition - moving from children's to adults support services | Milton Keynes City Council
Or contact the Adult Social Care ACCESS Team via
Transition from children to adults social care
A child who is being supported by the children with disabilities team may transition to adults social care around the post 16 age. If a child is being supported by the children with disabilities team it is likely they have an education, health and care plan (EHCP), has a significant learning disability and is going to be dependant on services and support for life.
A young person or their parent, guardian and/or carer can request an Adult Social Care needs assessment.
The children with disabilities team meet regularly with adults social care to discuss young people that are due to transition. This usually begins when the young person turns 16 and will be to let the adults social care team know that this young person is likely to be eligible for a service, they will also share what the current care package the young person has.
If your child is not being supported by the children with disabilities team, but you would like support from the adults social care team, you can self refer as the young person reaches the age of 18. If you do not meet the criteria then you can speak to your SEN Case worker and discuss what options are available to you.
If you need help to understand what your needs are and how to arrange the support you need you can contact our ACCESS Team or complete a Complete an Adult Social Care Referral