A new SEND Local Offer site that was functional, easy to ease and accessible to families across Milton Keynes was requested by families and professionals in Milton Keynes. In order to do this we created a new hub site of the Local Offer. The Local Offer working group (including parent/carer representatives, education, health and social care professionals) agreed the following actions were needed on the new site.
- 9 new headings on the Local Offer website - these have been created to make the site easier to navigate
- Restructure of content in the new headings for easy access - ensuring relevant information is on one page rather than across multiple pages
- A calendar of events on the website for families to access - this is now located on the homepage
- More images - images have been added through out the site
- More colour - along with having more images we have had more flexibility with using colour on the site
- Being able to reach your chosen destination in 3 clicks - you are able to reach your chosen destination mostly, in three clicks.
- Health information - there is ongoing coproduction with health colleagues to update the health offer available on the Local Offer
- A work SEND Directory - the useful contacts and the SEND Directory have been merged, updated and re-set with new filters to enable the directory to be a working tool.
- Including more about leisure and things to do - the team have added a leisure and things to do tile on the homepage and are working with providers of activities in Milton Keynes to ensure they are able to share the most up to date information around leisure in Milton Keynes.
- Updated information for prep for adulthood - the prep for adulthood/young people's section of the Local Offer has been updated, working with health colleagues, to ensure the information is easy to access for young people. This includes adding more videos, images and breaking up text.