A Short Break (respite) enables and supports children and young people with a disability to access services which meets their needs, providing opportunities for them to have fun, try new activities, gain independence, and make friends. These services may also offer parents and carers a short break from their caring responsibilities. Local Authorities are required to provide services designed to provide a break to carers of disabled children, under the Children Act 1989. The Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations 2010 (legislation.gov.uk) sets out what Local Authorities should do to meet their duties, in relation to the provision of short breaks.
You can find out more about our Short Breaks statement on the local offer. We recognise that this statement is due for review and will be updated to reflect the new arrangements (this will be completed in the next 6 months).
As a part of the Short Breaks Team, we will not be asking to meet with you more than once a year, and usually, this will be at your child’s EHCP Review meeting. Of course, should we have contact from any other professional who may be worried about your child, then we will give you a call to discuss. If through those discussions, there are safeguarding worries then we will discuss these worries with the Children with Disabilities Statutory Team, and the case may be transferred to them for further assessment, which will be carried out by a social worker. A decision will be made about which team can offer the most appropriate support.