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Children with Disabilities (CWD) Short Breaks Team

Who are we?

We are a specialist service who support children/young people with disabilities, and their families/carers, by providing short breaks also known as respite. The team is made up of one Manager and four Short Break Practitioners. All team members aim to empower families to access support independently, but can assist with the following: 

• Assessing the needs of your child/ren with disability, creating tailored respite care packages 

• Setting up Direct Payments 

• Attending EHCP Review Meetings with professionals/parent/carers

 • Conversing with professionals on behalf of parent/carers 

• Signposting to relevant support services 

• Completing internal and external referrals

What is a Short Break/Respite?

A Short Break (respite) enables and supports children and young people with a disability to access services which meets their needs, providing opportunities for them to have fun, try new activities, gain independence, and make friends. These services may also offer parents and carers a short break from their caring responsibilities. Local Authorities are required to provide services designed to provide a break to carers of disabled children, under the Children Act 1989. The Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations 2010 ( sets out what Local Authorities should do to meet their duties, in relation to the provision of short breaks. 

You can find out more about our Short Breaks statement on the local offer. We recognise that this statement is due for review and will be updated to reflect the new arrangements (this will be completed in the next 6 months).

 As a part of the Short Breaks Team, we will not be asking to meet with you more than once a year, and usually, this will be at your child’s EHCP Review meeting. Of course, should we have contact from any other professional who may be worried about your child, then we will give you a call to discuss. If through those discussions, there are safeguarding worries then we will discuss these worries with the Children with Disabilities Statutory Team, and the case may be transferred to them for further assessment, which will be carried out by a social worker. A decision will be made about which team can offer the most appropriate support.

What’s happens when my child turns 18?

At your child’s Year 9 EHCP review there will be a discussion around preparation for adulthood, which will form the initial steps of your child’s transition process as they become an adult. When your child turns 16, a referral will be made to the Adults Social Care Team.

There are regular meetings held between the Preparing for Adulthood Team and Children’s Team, who jointly ensure that Adult Social Care are aware of the young people who have been referred.

On your child’s 18th birthday, they will transition to the Adults Social Care Team, where the continuation of their needs and care package will be reviewed.

In between these years, the young person will have a Community Care Assessment to consider the support your child needs going into adulthood.

Making a referral?

If a professional has a safeguarding concern about a child/young person, then a referral needs to be made through Milton Keynes Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) will need to be filled in.

However, if there are no safeguarding concerns and there is a request for Short Breaks, only then you can call or email us: 01908 252042 (Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 1pm) 

Referrals can be made by: 

• Parents 

• Carers 

• Professionals

When calling the Short Breaks Team, you will initially be asked the following information:

• For your consent for information sharing with other agencies. 

• Child’s disability and the impact it has on them, carers, and family. 

• Whether they have an EHCP. 

• What early years provision/school/further education provision they attend. 

• What support you feel is required.

 • Existing support from professionals, family, and friends. 

• Contact information for the child, including next of kin and person making referral. 

• Any other relevant information.

What happens next?

You will receive an outcome response as to whether the referral will be progressed to an assessment. If the child or young person is accepted for an assessment, and there are no safeguarding concerns, then we will arrange a time to come and visit you to carry out a Short Breaks assessment to identify the needs of your child and family. There will be a carers/young carers assessment included as a part of this. If the child/young person does not meet criteria, we will signpost you to other services that are available to support you, including those listed on our Local offer Website.


Please note – The EHCP Team are working to improve the Short Breaks Activities by introducing a new online booking system which will be coming soon. This will enable children and young people to access a greater range of leisure activities. If you are interested in applying for Short Break Vouchers, please email the team 

Can you get me more Short Break Vouchers?

No. Short Break Vouchers are provided by the SEN/EHCP Team, you can apply for these by contacting them on 

How often will you see my child?

At every annual review.

How long will my child stay open to the Short Breaks Team?

Whilst receiving a Short Break service and/or up until the age of 18.

Can you help with my housing issues?

We are not able to influence any decisions that our housing department may have made, however we can write a supporting letter and liaise with our housing colleagues.

Can you help with any issues I am having with school?

We would always encourage families to talk to staff directly to address any issues within school or advise you to follow the school complaints process. The Short Breaks Team will be attending EHCP reviews to update your child’s support plan.

Can you give me advice on Benefits?

We are not able to give advice on benefits, but we may be able to signpost you to the appropriate department/service.

Can you give me overnight respite?

This can be discussed during your assessment.

Can you give me Direct Payments?

Your Short Breaks Practitioner will assess the need for this and set this up for you if it is felt appropriate. Direct Payments will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.

Can I spend my Direct Payment on other things?

No. The funds provided are purely to cover the costs of your assessed care package that has been agreed by the Short Breaks Team, in respect of the identified needs. All expenses will need to be accounted for and evidenced, whereby the team may request to audit how the funds have been used. Please do not spend your direct payment money on anything outside of your agreed care package as you run the risk of your Direct Payment being terminated.

Can you give me support in behaviour management?

If you are open to the team, you can discuss this with the Short Breaks Practitioner who is carrying out your child’s assessment/review. Alternatively, you can contact the Short Breaks duty desk to discuss this.

Can you support with form filling/applications?

Whilst we will not complete forms for you, we may be able to signpost you to agencies who can.

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