Emotional Based School Avoidance
In Milton Keynes we are seeing an increase in children and young people experiencing difficulty in attending school due to emotional reasons, like anxiety.
This has led to the development of the EBSA Project group in Milton Keynes.
For information, training and resources related to EBSA, please see our new dedicated page Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) page.
Making Connections Project
The Making Connections project aims to support schools to become more attachment aware and develop their trauma informed practice. In 2024-25, Making Connections will operate as a pilot project, to support a network of 20 Milton Keynes City schools. The project is being funded by Milton Keynes Virtual School and supported by the Educational Psychology Service (EPS).
Participating schools access a range of support from the EPS which includes creating an action plan using the PATH activity (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) and having access to a variety of training sessions across topics such as attachment and resilience, restorative approaches, and emotion coaching. Additionally, each school has one day of EP support to further develop confidence and competency with their trauma informed practice.
Schools are also invited to regular network meetings facilitated jointly by the Virtual School and the EPS. These meetings enable schools to share ideas, reflect on practice and consider how to promote attachment aware and trauma informed approaches within their settings.
On successful completion of the project the schools will achieve The Bronze Award from the Attachment Research Centre.
The Language Intervention Programme
The Language Intervention Programme and assessment materials are aimed at Early Years classes.
LIPs aims to enhance children’s language development through a targeted group intervention based on simple enrichment activities. It is designed to build children’s vocabulary by providing structured practice in speaking and listening. It is straight forward to run, fits into a busy timetable and is ideal for children starting school.
In the evaluation (2018), children who participated showed significant improvements in their expressive vocabulary. Groups included shy children and those with English as an additional language, as well as those with language delay. Feedback from teachers and teaching assistants running the intervention indicated they appreciated having a simple structured intervention to boost children’s language attainments. They found the approach fitted in well with other learning activities in the classroom and was easy to organise.
Cost: £30 per set (which includes a manual and assessment materials)
To order: please email education.psychology@milton-keynes.gov.uk
Order form: download here