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SEND transition guidance for Early Years Settings

Starting school can be an anxious time for children and parents, especially if a child has special educational needs. But with planning and support from the professionals involved with the child, the transition will be a positive experience. 

With the parents/carers’ permission, organise a Transition Meeting. Invite the class teacher or SENCo from the child’s new school, along with the parents/carers and any other professionals who are relevant.

Make sure you have all the information you need for the meeting such as the: EYFS Tracker, FACT and/or FACT plus, short term outcomes the child is working towards, the progress they are making and any professional’s reports.

During the meeting: 

Share a copy of the SEN Support Plan 

Use the My Inclusion Plan to capture a profile of the child; what they like, dislike, how they communicate, what strategies help. This can be completed during the meeting together or given to parents to complete at home to return.

Discuss what resources and strategies are used to support the child, and the adjustments you make to meet their needs. Think about the times of day the child needs particular support (eg: snack or toileting). Consider the hours the child may attend (eg: how soon will the child attend full time?). Discuss any concerns or worries that parents may have, so that they feel reassured.

Discuss how the child can become familiar with the school- this year video tours or photos will be needed instead of transition visits. Photobooks of key staff and areas of school are useful, as are calendars for the family to count down.

Useful tips to consider

What support strategies already work for the child?

What does the child really enjoy?

What are their interests?

Speech and Language Passports – if a child is known to the Complex Needs Speech and Language Team the child will have a communication passport to share.

Consider how parents might be able to develop their child’s Independence skills over the summer break (making sure any advice is realistic and does not place undue pressure on parents) e.g. putting on shoes, doing up zips etc. If you would like advice and guidance about transition support please call the Milton Keynes Council, SEND Support Service via email

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