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The Continence Service

The Continence Service

Continence support for 0-18 years. If you have concerns about your child , please contact your  Health Visitor for the 0-5 years or School Nurse 5-19 years. They will be able to  explore any daytime or night time wetting issues and  independent toileting difficulties and provide advice and support. If the Health Visitor or School Nurse feels this is longer term difficulty due to complex needs, they will be able to make a referral to a specialist service ( Complex Needs Nursing Team ) for the  provision of incontinence products. In the first instance, contact your Health visitor or School Nurse on the link below. This also has informative advice and resources from ERIC, a children’s continence and bowel charity:

School readiness, getting ready for school, is your child ready for school | Milton Keynes Childrens Health (


The Continence Service for over 18s can be accessed in the link below:

Milton Keynes Continence Team :: Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (


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