Launch Recite Me assistive technology

Accessibility Tool

Modifying resources for those with Vision Needs

Always refer to the QTVI / ICT Specialist Teachers Reports for the following guidance when modifying resources, this will allow the child/young person to access the same materials as their peers independently.

  • Font style – Comic Sans MS or Arial - Bold
  • Font size – these may vary between near or distance working 
  • Paper colour and layout – landscape
  • Line spacing or word spacing

When using images/charts, consider the following:

  • Offer colour images – clarity and contrast are not always as obvious on black and white images (see QTVI report as this may not apply depending on the CYP’s medical condition)
  • Do the key points of the image/chart stand out? Are lines bold and sufficiently contrasted to make them as clear as possible? 
  • Make sure any titles, headings and body of text are free from unnecessary images/text and can be easily accessed.

If you require any help or support with modifying resources, please contact:

Uday Thakrar – Sensory-ICT Manager Email: Mobile no: 07827825645

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