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The inclusion of pupils with SEND

Milton Keynes’ steps to inclusion Milton Keynes is committed to being a community where children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can achieve well because they enjoy learning and we identify their needs early, act quickly, work together and give them the right support. We listen to what is important to children and young people so that they can reach their aspirations by gaining positive outcomes in all aspects of their school lives. Our children and young people have created stepping stones to successful inclusion. They ask us to:

  • Make adjustments for me so I can be fully included and as independent as possible
  • Always give me the opportunity to be included, but don’t force me
  • Get to know me and what I like
  • Give me opportunities to communicate and listen to me
  • Don’t underestimate me; have high expectations of me
  • Make sure I get encouragement from people I trust and who don’t judge me
  • Celebrate my success

Background to the creation of the steps to inclusion

These steps were devised through discussion across a wide range of stakeholders; from children and young people with SEND and their parents and carers, to the agencies offering support to make sure that children and young people achieve the outcomes they deserve.

This review, which started in September 2017, focused on developing a shared understanding of what inclusion should look like for pupils with SEND. It also aimed to develop shared expectations around outcomes.

  • During the review parents and agencies considered:
  • developing common language and understanding
  • systems and organisation for inclusion
  • an evidence based approach

Although stakeholders approached inclusion from the perspective of their own responsibilities, there was significant similarity in views about the language and understanding of inclusion. A summary was circulated to all participants and this was used as the basis of discussion for a stakeholder seminar to create stakeholder statements for the inclusion of SEND pupils in school in June 2018. These statements were in turn shared with children and young people with SEND at a Youth Participation Meeting in July 2018. The outcome was the children and young peoples’ steps to inclusion.

Stakeholder groups individually gave thoughtful and serious consideration to how their systems and organisation ensure that the needs of children and young people with SEND are met. They looked at, and challenged, their understanding of the different types of outcomes which are important for children and young people with SEND; developing their future planning and considering how they can work even more effectively with other stakeholders. Alongside this, the review allowed stakeholders to question how well they use evidence of outcomes and impact analysis to lead developments in their areas of responsibility for inclusion. Stakeholder responses were collated for the council’s Children and Families SEN team to use to further align and develop its services.

Milton Keynes’ parents and professionals devised eight key statements about inclusion. These were shared with our children and young people; who agreed with them all and added three more of their own. All are included in the Milton Keynes’ steps to inclusion.



Key statements about inclusion 

Milton Keynes’ parents and professionals devised eight key statements about inclusion. These were shared with our children and young people; who agreed with them all and added three more of their own. All are included in the Milton Keynes’ steps to inclusion.

Milton Keynes’ parents and professionals’ statements       Children and young peoples’ steps      
We commit to making adjustments that remove barriers to learning and participation to enable all children and young people to reach their full potential in their communities             


Make adjustments for me so that I can be fully included and as independent as possible



We will always listen to the voice of children and young people and their parents and carers


Give me opportunities to communicate and listen to me

We have high expectations to empower all children and young people to achieve successful outcomes

Don’t underestimate me; have high expectations of me

We celebrate that every child or young person can make a unique contribution to their school and wider community; whatever their needs

Celebrate my success

Additional statements

Additional steps

We commit to support all children and young people to achieve their aspirations

Always give me the opportunity to be included, but don’t force me

We will all work together in the best interests of a child or young person and their family

Get to know me and what I like

We will identify needs and opportunities as early as possible to nurture children and young people so they can enjoy and achieve

Make sure I get encouragement from people who I trust and who don’t judge me

We will make sure that everybody involved with a child or young person will regularly check that the help in place is right. If not we will make changes together.

Next steps

The Milton Keynes’ steps to inclusion should be considered carefully by all stakeholders when planning to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND, and when they are evaluating the effectiveness of their provision. Organisations, and particularly schools, should check that all professionals fully and appropriately understand the key principles, and that they translate this into their day-to-day practice. If this is successful, children and young people will not only feel happy and enjoy learning, they will also achieve well and progress in their academic learning will match developments across the wide range of outcomes they need to lead fulfilling lives now and into adulthood. This document and the summary of common language and understanding of inclusion are located on the Local Offer.



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