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What is Mental Health?

group of young people

If you feel you or your emotional well being is in danger, seek advice from an adult. It's okay to not feel okay, but there is hope and the NHS is here for you too. Help is available if you need it, including urgent 24/7 support and mental health services.

What is mental health?

We all have mental health, just like we all have physical health. Sometimes we feel well, and sometimes we don’t.

Mental health is complicated because it’s about how we think, feel and act, and this is always changing.

When our mental health is good, we enjoy being around other people and we feel able to take on challenges and new experiences. But when our mental health is not so good, we can find it much harder to cope.

Remember, if you or your child is struggling with how you think, feel or behave, you are not alone and things can get better. You deserve all the help and support you need to feel confident and comfortable being yourself so that you can enjoy life.

Why not spend 5 minutes of your time watching this 'We all have mental health' video for some tips in helping to understand mental health.

More information to support you to look after your mental health, which is linked to your physical health as well as relationships, education, training and work can be found in the health and wellbeing hub.

What causes mental health?

There are lots of reasons why we might start struggling with our mental health. These can include:

  • difficult things going on in your life
  • life experiences, such as trauma, violence or abuse
  • physical health problems
  • pressure at school, work, or about money
  • difficult relationships with partners, family or friends
  • family history of mental health problems
  • Preparing for your upcoming exams - here is some information to help you prepare for upcoming exams. 
  • Student stress - here is some information and support if you are feeling stressed about University. 
  • Loosing someone important to you - bereavement support, how you're feeling and how to look after yourself.

Often it isn’t just one of these things and sometimes there is no obvious cause. Whatever the reasons you might be struggling it’s important to remember that it isn’t your fault and that things can get better.

Life affects us all differently. No one is the same. That’s why the right mental health support will look different to different people. What works for one person might be not work the same for you, and that’s ok.

Signs to look out for

Most off us will struggle with our mental health at some point in our lives, just like we all get sick once in a while. If you notice a negative change in how you’re feeling, or you find yourself doing things that worry you, speak to someone you trust. Trust your instincts – you know if something is up. Don’t wait for things to get really bad before reaching out. The earlier you get help, the more likely it is that you can stop your problem getting worse.

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • feeling hopeless – struggling to see the positives in life, or wishing you didn’t exist

  •  getting into lots of arguments or fights

  •  feeling sad all the time

  •  feeling angry all the time

  •  feeling anxious all the time

  •  numbness – not feeling any emotions at all

  •  extreme highs and lows, or mood swings

  •  feeling worthless

  •  changes to your eating patterns – starving   yourself, over-eating, making yourself sick

  •  hearing voices or seeing things that aren’t there

  •  hurting yourself on purpose

  •  keeping away from friends and family

  •  relying heavily on alcohol, drugs or sex

  •  obsessive behaviour or thoughts – feeling there   is something you have to do/think about all the   time or something bad will happen 

  •  experiencing nightmares, flashbacks or upsetting thoughts

  • obsessing about how you look

  • Constant unwanted thoughts

If you recognise any of these signs, or anything else that seems out of the ordinary, or not ‘normal’ for you, then it is important to reach out for help. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily have a mental health problem, but it’s likely that some support will help you on your journey to feeling your best.

What else can I do to help my mental health?

If you are feeling stressed, worried, anxious or even angry, try doing something to help you feel happier. You could:

  • go for a walk, run, swim, cycle or to the gym
  • talk to a friend - in person or virtually
  • read a book
  • play with a fiddle toy
  • talk to a trusted adult
  • get creative - draw, paint, create, design
  • bake a new recipe, or cook yourself a meal
  • watch some TV
  • have a nap
  • remove yourself from the situation that is making you feel this way
  • pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness) 

Who can I talk to?

Most of us will struggle with our mental health at some point in our lives, just like we all get sick once in a while. If you notice a negative change in how you’re feeling, or you find yourself doing things that worry you, speak to someone you trust.

Trust your instincts – you know if something is up. Don’t wait for things to get really bad before reaching out. The earlier you get help, the more likely it is that you can stop your problem getting worse.

Talking to a trusted adult, friend or family member about how you are feeling can really help. 

Examples of trusted adults include:

  • a teacher or member of staff at your school, college or setting
  • a youth worker or mentor
  • a family friend, or relative
  • your councillor, therapist or CAMHS worker
  • your GP or other health professional

Your feelings are valid, and there is always someone ready to listen. 

Healthy Young Peoples Network

The Healthy Young People’s Network (HYPN) is in place to provide a collective, cross organisational approach to cascading health & wellbeing messages to stakeholders working with young people in Milton Keynes.

  • To provide a consistent approach to delivering health messages to young people and their parents/carers
  • To promote prevention and early intervention
  • To improve the health and wellbeing of young people in MK

The HYPN has two/three face to face network events per year with virtual Teams update events as needed, there are also web based pages with information on what support is available along with local and national research and resources and regular e-bulletin alerts.

The network is open to all stakeholders working with young people in Milton Keynes, including statutory, non-statutory, independent and voluntary sector services.

For information about how to join the health young people's network (HYPN) and information on the types of training events we hold, please visit this page.

Mental health apps for children and young people

Calm Harm

What: Calm Harm provides tasks to help children to resist or manage the urge to self-harm. They can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app. They will be able to track your progress and notice change. (Age 12+)

Recommended by the NHS.

Catch it

What: Learn how to manage feelings like anxiety and depression with Catch It. The app will teach young people how to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and claims to improve their mental wellbeing. (Age 12+)

Recommended by the NHS.


What: The MeeTwo app provides a safe and secure forum for teenagers wanting to discuss any issue affecting their lives. They can anonymously get advice from experts or other teenagers going through similar experiences in a wide range areas such as mental health, self-harming, bullying, relationships and friendships.(Age 13+)

Recommended by the NHS.


What: Easy and discreet access to information and support about self-harm and suicidal thoughts through the award-winning distrACT app.(Age 17+)

Recommended by the NHS.

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