Supporting Children / Young people with medical needs in school
Key points
Pupils at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
Governing bodies must ensure that arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils at school with medical conditions.
Who is this guidance for?
This statutory guidance applies to:
- governing bodies of maintained schools (excluding maintained nursery schools)
- management committees of PRUs
- proprietors of academies, including alternative provision academies (but not including 16–19 academies)
The full Department for Education Guidance can be found in the link below:
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (
Children with health needs who cannot attend school
Who is this guidance for?
Local authorities, though it may also be of interest to all those supporting the educational attainment of a child with health needs, including all types of schools, providers of alternative provision, parents and providers of health services.
For DfE guidance - Education for children with health needs who cannot attend school - Statutory guidance for local authorities and departmental advice for others ensuring children with health needs receive education.
Local guidance Arranging education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs - Updated January 2025
This policy document should be read alongside the statutory guidance produced by the DfE: ‘Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs.
Schools can make the request, providing the requested information, using the following link, please click here.
It is expected that the named person responsible for the education of children with health needs in school would be the main point of contact with the LA and will complete the referral form or co-ordinate this process. To use the link, you will be required to log in as prompted.
Mental health issues affecting a pupil's attendance: guidance for schools
The Department for Education have produced a summary of responsibilities where a mental health issue is affecting attendance and examples of effective practice.
Summary of responsibilities where a mental health issue is affecting attendance
Support for pupils where a mental health issue is affecting attendance Effective practice examples