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Understanding and Effectively Supporting ASC in the Early Years.

Understanding and Effectively Supporting ASC in the Early Years.


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Course summary:

 An introduction to Autism and how it may present in primary aged children, including strategies and resources to support anxiety, routines,

communication and interaction.


Members of the SEND Team- Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team

Course content:

Session 1:

  • Become familiar with ASC and how this can present in young children
  • Become familiar with the Hanen communication stages for young children with ASC
  • Plan and set appropriate short-term outcomes using ‘Communication Stages.’ Session 2:
  • Consider how you can plan for play and learning skills at the different

    communication stages, including use of visual structure.

Session 3:

  • Consider the impact of sensory preferences and how you might support these.

Course dates and time: Autumn term


Session 1:

Friday 13th October 2023 at 9 – 10.30am

Venue: Remote training via Microsoft Teams

Session 2:

Friday 20th October 2023 at 9.30-11am  Venue: Face to Face, Civic Offices room 1.02

Session 3:

Friday 3rd November 2023 at 9.30-11am  Venue: Face to Face, Civic Offices room 1.02


Who should attend? This training is useful for all school practitioners, behaviour leads, teachers, SENDCos, teaching assistants and learning mentors working within a mainstream setting

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