Course Summary:
This three-session course will support practitioners to consider how they can identify SEND, assess needs, and plan for interventions in the early years. It will also support practitioners in their understanding of SEND processes in Milton Keynes.
Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team
Course content:
- What is inclusion?
- The graduated approach
- Assessing progress- new EYFS Framework
- Writing short term outcomes successfully
- Planning and implementing provision
- EHC processes, including use of SEN Support Plans
Course dates and time:
Session 1: 12/11/24 9-10.30am
Session 2: 19/11/24 9-10.30am
Session 3: 26/11/24 9-10.30am
Venue: Remote training via Microsoft Teams
Who should attend?
This training is useful for new SENDCos working in non-maintained early years settings, and
for those colleagues who are interested in taking on the role in the future.