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Emotional regulation using ‘Zones’ – practical approaches to support children using Zones of Regulation (for Secondary)

Emotional regulation using ‘Zones’ – practical approaches to support children using Zones of Regulation (for Secondary)


Emotional Regulation – Developing use of Zones (Secondary) 

Course summary: This training session follows on from the introductory session in the Autumn term. The training aims to provide staff with practical ways to continue to embed emotional regulation skills and the use of Zones, exploring ways to develop understanding and build on first steps when delivering the Zones of Regulation programme.  

Trainers: Members of the SEND Team - Inclusion and Assessment  

Course content:  

• To recap the four Zones and how they are introduced to pupils  

• To consider practical resources to support delivery of the Zones in secondary schools 

• To recognise the impact of work on emotional regulation through case studies  

• To consider SMART outcomes linked to emotional regulation and the use of Zones  

• To identify ways to develop the programme at secondary level.  

Course date and time:  

Secondary Session  

Spring: 18th March 2024 


Venue: TBC 

Who should attend?  

This training is for SENDCOs, class teachers, staff working in pastoral or wellbeing roles or Teaching Assistants supporting children with SEND.  



Please state the course, the date, who will be attending and their email address.  

If a number of different staff members are attending from the same school/setting it is VITAL that you send the separate email addresses of all attendees 

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