Information for Parents
In Milton Keynes, we are currently piloting a different approach to carrying out Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) planning meetings. Our aim is to make the process more child and family centred and collaborative. As part of this Educational Psychologists and, when possible, other professionals who have provided advice, will attend the meetings with your Assessment Officer and contribute directly to discussions.
Everyone attending the meeting has a unique perspective – parent, school, and other professionals – and it is the intention that these voices should be heard equally in the planning meetings.
Working together we can co-produce outcomes and agree ways of support that are individually tailored to your child and that draw from everyone’s expertise. This works best when everyone at the meeting is prepared and feels able to share their views.
Tips on how to prepare for the EHCP planning meeting:
You will be sent an invite from your Assessment Officer, with the time and date of the planning meeting and any relevant paperwork via email. This will include a link to join the meeting remotely via Microsoft Teams. If you have any concerns or queries about using Microsoft Teams, please speak with your Assessment Officer or the school SENCO beforehand. Meetings typically last around 60 – 90 minutes.
Before the meeting, read through the Draft 1 EHCP and all appendices to check that you are happy that the information is accurate and reflects your child’s needs. As their parent, we recognise that you know your child best. If you feel there are any inaccuracies, make a note of these to share at the meeting.
Please feel free to note down any ideas or questions you have to bring and share in the meeting.
In preparation for the meeting, it may be helpful to spend some time thinking about what aspirations you have for your child’s future and any specific skills you want your child to be helped to develop. There will be opportunities for you to share this information in the meeting, and this will help to develop the outcomes and provisions for your child.
Thinking through what you know works well or does not work for your child before the meeting will also be useful. For example, they may like a particular cartoon character and be motivated by activities incorporating this, or they may like to know what to expect so any support strategies would need to be timetabled and shared with them in advance. There will be opportunities within the planning meeting for this information to be shared and included in your child’s EHC Plan where appropriate and agreed by everyone.