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Inclusion specialist teaching team

We work with families who live in Milton Keynes and attend an early years school/setting in Milton Keynes.

If your child lives in Milton Keynes but attends a school or setting outside of Milton Keynes, advice and support can be sought by the setting within the local authority it is located. 

We work across Milton Keynes supporting children and young people from two to 19 years old - and their families - to enjoy and achieve in their learning, whilst developing greater independence. The team provides:

  • specialist teachers who promote inclusion in partnership with educational settings to raise standards and improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND using a child centred consultation approach
  • inclusion practitioners who work directly with children and young people with SEND and their families to deliver intervention in a child centred and focused way, listening, observing, giving advice, information and support within their educational or home setting
  • training sessions for schools

In consultation with the setting or school to achieve the agreed outcome for a child or young person or group of children and young people with SEND, the type of support offered by the Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team could include:

  • One off consultation
  • Consultation with review
  • Observation/s
  • One off or a package of modelled strategies and interventions
  • Specific direct work with the CYP or family to support engagement and access to education, working alongside the setting/school

Read about how we offer support in more detail.

SEND Support Service

The SEND Support Service offers advice, information and guidance to families, professionals, settings and schools regarding the early identification of SEND, access to SEND Team services and signposting. 

Contact information:

Please see our opening times for the summer holidays 



SEND Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ


SENDIAS contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

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