Parents / carers can ask their Local Authority to carry out an assessment if they think their child needs an EHC plan.
A young person can request an assessment themselves if they’re aged 16 to 25.
A school or setting acting on behalf of the child or young person (SENDCo) can also request an EHC assessment.
A request can also be made by anyone else who thinks an assessment may be necessary, including doctors, health visitors, teachers, parents and family.
The majority of children and young people with special educational needs and disability will be supported within their mainstream school through the graduated approach, quality first teaching, targeted and personalised support. If a parent/carer thinks that their child/young person has SEN or a disability, the SEN team recommend that parents/carers:
- Talk to the class teacher/tutor to discuss concerns and support
- Arrange a meeting with the school/setting SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and disabilities Co-ordinator)
If school agree that your child/young person has SEN or a disability, they should work collaboratively with parents / carers to:
- Start to gather evidence such as reviews of outcomes and interventions and follow advice and guidance from the Graduated Approach.
- The school may have a SEN Support Plan in place to monitor progress and development.
- Request advice and support from relevant specialists such as the Inclusion Specialist Teaching team or Speech and Language Therapist. This is important as it enables a whole view of the child to be gained and shows how external advice has impacted on the child or young persons support over time.
This allows the EHC needs assessment request to show evidence not only about the child/young person’s needs but about:
- Interventions and support that have been put in place by the child or young person’s setting and other professionals involved.
- How progress has been monitored and interventions reviewed evidencing how this has impacted on the child / young person.
- Information on how the difficulties impact the child or young person’s ability to learn and develop independence.
- Once advice has been sought and acted on from external agencies. We acknowledge there are times when parents remain concerned after they have followed these steps with the school or where the child is currently home educated, and we understand that parents/carers can find the process difficult.
If you would like to make a parental request for an EHC needs assessment, please email with the supporting documentation. For support in making a request contact MK SEND IASS on 01908 254518.
Parent of children and young people that are home educated are welcome to contact our SEND Support Service to discuss and explore the options available, please email