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Support for providers in the early years

We want children and young people with SEND to grow up with the right support so that they have the same opportunities as other children to lead fulfilling lives, have high aspirations for the future and reach their full potential. All children and young people have the right to be:

  • healthy
  • happy
  • safe
  • loved
  • valued
  • respected

Disability Access Funding (DAF)

DAF is for early years providers to support children with disabilities or special educational needs. The funding can only be applied for by early years providers and is a payment of £615 once per financial year - it is the responsibility of the provider to identify eligible children and discuss the application with parents.

From April 1 2024 the payment will increase to £910 per financial year.  

Early years providers can only apply for DAF if the child:

  • is aged between three and four years old - applications are allowed in the term after the child's third birthday
  • is in receipt of child Disability Living Allowance (DLA) 
  • accesses the funded entitlement at the early years provider

Read our detailed funding guidance.  

Please note that four year olds in primary and infant school reception classes are NOT eligible for disability access funding.

Once funding for the year is paid, it will not be reclaimed, even if the child leaves the setting.  Any new setting will not be able to receive any DAF payments until the following financial year. 

DAF can be used by a provider to:

  • make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the specified child
  • buy specialist equipment for the specified child
  • seek specialised training to support the specified child’s individual needs

Apply for Disability Access Funding (DAF)

To apply for DAF, early years providers should log onto the Provider Portal, go to the section entitled Disability Access Funding and attach a completed application form.

Support for childminders and early years providers

There are a wide range of resources available to help support young children with SEND, including FACT/FACT+, visual supports, support and advice on communication and interaction and our inclusion grant funding form and many more. Please see our useful resources page.

You can also contact us for advice and guidance via email

Children already receiving SEND support

Families of children with SEND already receiving support from the inclusion and specialist teaching team may ask to visit their childminder or early years provider.  This is so that advice about appropriate support strategies, information, training and guidance can be shared.

You may also be invited to attend the MK SEND Forum to discuss children you are supporting with SEND - this will be with an Inclusion and Intervention Worker.

Childminders are welcome to attend Children Centres with any children they care for with SEND in order to access support, groups, activities and their sensory rooms.

Centralised training / workshops

All early years professionals, including childminders, are welcome to book onto our centralised training for professionals. 

SENCo meetings

EY SENCo meetings take place during the academic year, where settings, childminders, healthcare professionals and support organisations come together to keep up to date with SEND information, training, support groups and processes within Milton Keynes.

Upcoming Early Years SENCo Meeting Dates: 

Early Years SENCo Meetings 

The Early Years SENCo Meeting dates for 2024/25 are:

Location Day Time Chair             SENCo Co-Chair/s      Dates of meeting
MS Teams Thursday 17.00-18.00 Joanne Friday and Sarah Austin TBC




The meetings are on Thursday 17.00- 18.00 on MS Teams. For an invite to this session, please contact SEND Support


SEND Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ


SENDIAS contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

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